Lymphedema and Skin Care: Maintaining Healthy Skin

by | Oct 12, 2023 | Lymphedema, News

If you have lymphedema, it’s important to maintain healthy skin. Maintaining healthy skin is not just a matter of aesthetics if you have lymphedema; it’s a crucial element of overall well-being. In this article, we’ll explore why skin care is paramount for lymphedema patients and how to achieve it.

Why is skin care important for lymphedema patients?

Skin care takes on added significance for individuals with lymphedema. This condition, characterized by the buildup of lymphatic fluid, can compromise the skin’s integrity. Swelling and fluid retention can stretch the skin, making it more vulnerable to damage. Additionally, impaired lymphatic circulation can weaken the skin’s defenses against infection.

Proper skin care is essential to address these challenges. It helps reduce the risk of complications, including cellulitis and other skin infections. By keeping the skin healthy, individuals with lymphedema can lead more comfortable lives.


What skincare products are good for lymphedema?

Choosing the right skincare products is crucial for lymphedema patients. Opt for gentle, non-alcoholic, and fragrance-free products. Moisturizers are essential to maintain skin hydration, but ensure they are suitable for sensitive skin. Harsh soaps and alcohol-based products should be avoided, as they can strip the skin of its natural oils and disrupt its protective barrier.

Consider using specialized skincare products designed for lymphedema management. These products are formulated to provide extra protection and hydration to vulnerable skin. For example, Lymphology SkinCare Body Cream contains ingredients that support the skin’s moisture barrier and offer antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.


How do you treat lymphedema skin?

Treating lymphedema-affected skin involves adopting a careful skincare routine. Begin with gentle cleansing using mild, hydrating cleansers. Avoid hot water and harsh scrubbing, as they can further irritate the skin. Pat the skin dry gently after cleansing; do not rub.

Daily moisturizing is essential to maintain skin hydration. Apply moisturizers immediately after bathing to lock in moisture. Make sure to include all areas affected by lymphedema.

For more intensive care, consider using specialized creams designed to address the unique needs of lymphedema patients. These creams can provide added protection and relief for the skin.


How does lymphedema affect the skin?

Lymphedema can have noticeable effects on the skin. Swelling is a common symptom, and as the skin stretches, it may become more prone to dryness and cracking. Changes in skin texture can occur, and the skin may feel harder or thicker in affected areas.

One significant concern is the increased susceptibility to skin infections. Lymphedema compromises the body’s natural defenses, making it easier for bacteria to enter the skin. Cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection, is a frequent complication in individuals with lymphedema.


Healthy skin is not just a cosmetic concern; it’s a vital aspect of overall well-being for individuals with lymphedema. By understanding the importance of skincare, selecting the right products, and following a careful skincare routine, those living with lymphedema can take proactive steps to maintain healthy skin.

Remember that skincare is an integral part of lymphedema management. For more insights into lymphedema and its complications, including skin-related issues, you can refer to my article on Complications of Lymphedema. Additionally, specialized products like those available in The Lymphie Box, which includes Lymphology SkinCare Body Cream, can provide added support for healthy skin.

Amanda Sobey

About the author

Amanda Sobey is a certified personal trainer, certified nutritionist, and lymphedema coach with over 20 years of personal experience battling lymphedema.
She is the creator of the 16-Week Ultimate Lymphedema Journey program, which combines fitness, nutrition, and self-care to empower those with lymphedema, lipedema, or lipolymphedema.
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